Saturday, February 23, 2008

Review of The Terminator

Rating: 3.5 Stars
In a phrase:
The Governor of California Goes on a Murder Spree
“I’ll be bahk”
Who will like it:
Cyborgs, Techno-phobes
Who won’t like it:
Kids these days who won’t be impressed by the old special effects

As a kid, I was not allowed to watch R-rate movies. I particularly remember my mother saying I wouldn’t be seeing Terminator. So I went in expecting something akin to The Saw. When I saw James Cameron was the director in the opening credits, my interest was even further peaked.
So I was pretty disappointed that it just turned out to be a pretty good action film. In its day, I could have given it four stars, but the special effects have not aged gracefully. The final dramatic chase by the terminator actually made me giggle.
Time travel movies always rub me the wrong way, but I actually didn't mind it too much in this one. There was too much action to really stop and think, which I think was its ultimate downfall.

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